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Showing posts from June, 2018

Life with ELK Packetbeat Part 1 Overview

We were using wso2 das as our analytics tool and faced a lot of performance issues which made us to find an alternative and we stopped at elastic stack which was free to use. We were using wso2 api manager and wso2 esb to handle traffic between two external parties. Our initial das implementation had only response capturing and our customers were looking for requess as well. we had a hell of lot of work to overcome that problem if we were to stay with wso2 das. Elastic stack mainly consists Filebeat for reading data from files/logs Logstash for processing logs/data Elasticsearch for storing data Kibana for presenting data  So our intial plan was to use what ever the logs produced by our application and send it to elastisearch server using filebeat. then we realised our application doesn't print all requied data to log file and as a result we are not be able to get enough data for analysis. Then we found another tool in the elk family called packetbeat which can sniff...