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Ubunutu Help

setting up sts shortcut & installation

copy extracted folder to

go to
cd /usr/share/applications

create a file


[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Integrated Development Environment
Name[en]=Spring Tool Suite

Access to shared host folder

get access to shared host folder
                sudo adduser [username] vboxsf

Installing firefox on ubunutu

Down load the latest installation


tar -xjvf firefox-30.0.tar.bz2

sudo rm -rf /opt/firefox*

sudo mv firefox /opt/firefox30.0

sudo ln -sf /opt/firefox30.0/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

Add a bookmark to folder structure

open expolorer
go to folder
goto bookmarks in the menu
add bookmark

Enter the directory you want to bookmark and go to
Bookmarks → Add bookmark or just press Ctrl+D.

Install java

down load java.tar.gz
uncompress and move to /user/local/java

#add to system path
sudo gedit /etc/profile

export JAVA_HOME
export JRE_HOME
export PATH

#set java auto mode
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/bin/java" 1

#set default java
sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/bin/java

Installing sql developer

download sqldeveloper
#extract to /opt/
sudo unzip -d /opt/
#launch script executable
sudo chmod +x /opt/sqldeveloper/

#Linking over an in-path launcher for Oracle SQL Developer
sudo ln -s /opt/sqldeveloper/ /usr/local/bin/sqldeveloper

#execute sql developer
sudo /opt/sqldeveloper/
#give java location, will save in /home/nuwan/.sqldeveloper/4.1.0/product.conf

#create desktop application
cd /usr/share/applications/
sudo vim sqldeveloper.desktop
#add following
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Oracle SQL Developer

sudo update-desktop-database

                check file permissions if app not startign

installing php with apache

                sudo apt-get install apache2

                sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php7.0

                remove package
                                sudo apt-get autoremove php7.0

                restart apache
                                sudo service apache2 restart

                verify if the daemon is started and on what ports it binds
                                sudo systemctl status apache2.service
                                sudo netstat –tlpn

                php -v
                                get php version

                testing php on web
                                create sudo nano /var/www/html/info.php
                changing root directory for PHP

To install extra packages

                 after sudo apt-get install java
                 press [tab]

Execute command on startup

                crontab -e
                @reboot @reboot /etc/nuwan_scripts/
#create a file at given location add content
                ssh -f -L 61521: -N


#add yourself to the vboxsf group
sudo adduser [username] vboxsf


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